The Horrible Truth About Religion
Ghost Theory of the Origin of Religion
The Secret Teachings Of All Ages by Manly P. Hall 1928

"Invitation to the Spirit Land" by Josiah Wolcott, 1853
The History of Spiritualism
Ancient Spiritualism
Native Spiritualism
The Bible Teaches Spiritualism
NEARLY EVERY BOOK in the Bible and a large percentage of their chapters discuss matters which can be understood only by studying them in the light of Spiritualism. In 248 different places the Bible mentions angels ministering to man. In spite of opponents’ few criticisms and Scripture quotations, not only does Spiritualism prove and explain the out of the ordinary stories of the Bible, but the Bible in turn will be found to give authority and substantiation to Spiritualism.
-1 COR. 2:10-16
What is Spirituality?
Articles on spirituality and spiritualism.
Spirituality - Definition the True Inner Meaning
Religion and Spirituality - What Differentiates Religion from Spirituality?
Spirituality: The Key to Problems of our Age
Love in the Time of Old Age
Growth, The Spiritual Way
Spirituality and Management

The Contemplation to Gain Love
Spirituality & Alternative Spirituality
Articles on Spirituality (Index)
Spiruality: A Brief Look Into the Spirituality of Spirals (pdf)
SECRET WISDOM" in the teachings of all world SPIRITUAL teachers
Key to Lasting Spirituality Can Be Found in Children
Spiritual Links
Without Love There is No Spiritual Path
So long as the lover is not immersed in love,
His sins and evil thoughts are not washed off.
If one's attention is not absorbed in the inner sky,
How can he see the wondrous inner sights?
So long as the intense longing for the Beloved
does not arise,
And the heart is not filled with love;
The spiritual goal cannot be attained
By mere observance of religious practices,
vows and rituals.
Whatever be the bulk of one's charity and virtuous deeds,
One can find no foothold anywhere without devotion.
Have firm faith in love and devotion.
Love is the essence of spiritual truth.
Reflect on this saying of the Saints,
By this alone, one is saved from the ocean of the world.
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